Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats
- Students must be at least 16 years of age
- Students must have received approved or recognised training in Personal Survival Techniques or equivalent (Basic Sea Survival or a Royal Navy Survival course)
- Students must provide evidence of at least 6 months sea service. For students who have not yet achieved this length of sea service, participation in the course may be granted but certification will not be issued until proof of the sea service requirements has been provided.
Course Information
This is a 5-day course comprising of theory and practical sessions, both in the classroom and at our waterside facility. Candidates are required to undertake practical drills in handling inflatable rescue boats, life boats and life rafts to achieve the following learning objectives:
- Identify the dangers associated with the use of off-load and on-load release devices
- Demonstrate the correct operation of off-load and on-load release devices, including the correct resetting of both types of release devices
- Identify and explain the correct operation of Fall Prevention/Secondary Safety Devices or their equivalent
- Safely operate a survival craft engine
- Safely take charge of a survival craft or rescue boat during and after launch
- Safely manage survivors and survival craft or rescue boat after abandoning ship
- Rig and use locating devices including communication and signalling apparatus and pyrotechnics
- Apply first aid to survivors
- Describe the management of injured persons
Available Dates
Course Details
Start Date